VATSIM (opens in a new tab) is a realistic online multiplayer network for all a variety of simulator.
This guide covers setting up a VATSIM client with swift (opens in a new tab) (as vPilot does not run in Proton) and model matching from FSLiveTrafficLiveries (opens in a new tab).
These software/addons are only supported on Windows for MSFS, even though this has been able to run on Linux, there is no guarantee that this will work later down the line. Do not expect support as this setup is not officially supported on Linux.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Installing Model Matching
I use FSLTL for model matching. It should be a relatively simple install, only problem is that the FBW installer does not work in Proton, so you will have to manually download and install the models. This does not cover installing the injector.
To download FSLTL, you should clone the repository on GitHub (opens in a new tab). You can
download this from GitHub directly Code > Download Zip
, but it is faster to use git.
git clone [email protected]:FSLiveTrafficLiveries/base.git
Once you have cloned this, move the fsltl-traffic-base
directory to your Community
folder in MSFS. You can also delete
the leftovers from the cloned repository now.
Installing swift
Download the Windows installer from their GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) and run the installer through Protontricks.
The configuration wizard should launch automatically.
Accept the terms.
Click on next in the Data loading
Click on skip in the Copy models
and Copy settings and caches
In the Simulator
page, under Setup of each individual simulator
- Simulator: FSX
- Simulator directory: set the directory to
%appdata%/Microsoft Flight Simulator
- Model directories:
%appdata%/Microsoft Flight Simulator/Packages/Community
and%appdata%/Microsoft Flight Simulator/Packages/Official
Then click next.
In the First model set
page, make sure FSX is selected in Simulator
and Distributions
, then under Models
- Models: reload
- Under
, selectFSLTL
, and then back underModels
, click create next to Model set.
Then your model should have been created, make sure to click on save, then click next.
Skip the XPlane setup (as this will only run for MSFS)
Configure your hotkeys, you'd at least need one for push to talk. Then click Finish.
You should now be able to connect to VATSIM! The next steps are to create a .desktop file for convenience, or setting up a separate Linux swift client to connect to the Windows swift client. There may not be much of a benefit for doing so, but you do get to use a native Linux client. If you are not interested in any of this, just skip to testing swift.
(Optional) Create a Desktop Entry for swift in Proton
Creating a desktop entry (opens in a new tab) should make opening the swift client easier as you will not have to find the location manually each time.
These files will go into ~/.local/share/applications/
, but you can create multiple directories inside it to make it
easier to manage your custom Desktop Entries that you manually created. For example on my system, I stored this entry
Create a Desktop Entry inside a location specified above, with a text editor of your choice. The name of the file is
irrelevant as long as it has the .desktop
When creating the .desktop
file, make sure that the directory is correct for the swift version you have installed.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Swift Launcher (Proton)
Exec=protontricks -c "wine C:/Program\\ Files/swift-0.12-64bit/bin/swiftlauncher.exe" 1250410
Then make sure to update the database for desktop entries by running this command in the terminal
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
You should now be able to find the Swift Launcher in your Desktop Environment's application launcher.
Testing swift
If you haven't used VATSIM before, you should read up on the guides (opens in a new tab), but if not, you can join as an observer at a busy airport, with ATC preferably (map for convenience (opens in a new tab)), and hopefully you should hear ATC and see correctly model matched traffic at the airport.
If it is all good, you should have set up swift and model matching correctly, and you can fly on VATSIM now!
Simulator's Squawk Mode C does not reflect on swift
This has only been tested on the PMDG 737 so far, but when you put TCAS to TR/TA, swift does not register that as Squawk C.
To work around this problem, make sure to set Squawk C manually on the swift client when you set your TCAS to TR/TA.